Are you dealing with WordPress security issues?

Time to avoid common WordPress Security Issues. While creating a website, a developer learns lots of web development skills. HTTP protocol, how the server works, processing a website, overview of the programming, various plugins and how do they work and web development languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and My SQL.

WordPress Security Issues

With all these skills a developer also works on an online open source website tool, it is written in PHP. It is the most powerful blogging content management system (CMS).

A lot of famous blogs, news outlets, music sites, and celebrities are using WordPress, for example, The New York Time’s blog, TechCrunch, etc. It can be used from blogging to e-commerce and portfolio websites. It is a very versatile CMS. These are the types of websites you can build using WordPress:

  • Blog
  • E-Commerce
  • Business
  • News
  • Photography
  • Music

Why WordPress is good for website building: – WordPress Security Issues

  • Easy to Learn

WordPress is very easy to learn and work upon. People who are new to web development can easily learn and work on WordPress. You can easily manage and update your website.

  • Customizable

It is very much easy to customize; that means all you need to do is drag and drop the features you want to include on your website. Anyone is new to web development can learn WordPress easily.

  • Control over your own content

There are many publishing platforms who limit what you can do and post on your website. But with WordPress, you can easily import your data from other platforms like Tumblr or Blogger. You will be the in-charge of your content.

  • Open Source

WordPress is an open source that means you can download and use it for free. Some of the plugins provided for WordPress are also free.

Issues faced by WordPress – WordPress Security Issues

WordPress is an open-source platform that means the code is visible to everyone. Since most of the websites these days are made on WordPress, it has become a goldmine for hackers. If a hacker finds out the loophole in a WordPress website code or gets access to the theme or plugins of the WordPress website, then it becomes very easy to hack.

Who can attack your websites? – WordPress Security Issues

There are 3 major threats to your WordPress websites:

  • Humans- A person who can manually attack your source code of the website if they can get access to your website or plugins. A very small number of WordPress websites are attacked manually by humans but being a target of an individual is a far greater threat than being attacked by a robot. A human hacker can hack your information and even control the speed of your website.  
  • Single Bot- It is an automated program or a script that can be used to hack a website automatically. This can be done using a single code to attack the websites and exploit the data automatically. It can affect websites running on different versions.
  • Botnet- It is a group of machines running program that work on a central command and control and can attack many websites at a time. A similar kind of script or code is used but this time attack is at a large scale, and a large amount of information is lost.

Why are websites attacked?

  • Send Spam

This gives the attacker the authorization to send spam emails from your websites. This can be done using scripts to send bulk emails. Stop spam by reading this.

  • Host malicious content

Sometimes attackers host contents like pornography, illegal drug sale or other span content to ruin the reputation of the owner.

  • Steal website data

This is one of the major reasons for website hacks, stealing private data and statistics to send spam emails or create issues.

  • Attack other websites

Once a website is hacked it becomes easier to use the bot and get access to other websites.

How to protect your website? – WordPress Security Issues

Well, it’s definitely not impossible to prevent such threats from your websites. You need to take cyber attack precautions and early measures to safeguard your websites by installing anti-malware software’s and plugins, by keeping your websites updated with the latest WordPress versions and also by timely deleting all the unnecessary stuff from your websites.

  • Use a strong password to avoid such issues at once.
  • It is better to use a reputed hosting provider where the websites are kept isolated.
  • Always keep your WordPress and plugins up to date to avoid such things.
  • Use security software’s like intrusion detectors as a layer of security.
  • Remove all the old data and unnecessary backups to avoid cache memory.
  • Remove all the sensitive temporary files lying on your website.
  • Set automatic settings to log out idle users out of your website.
  • Secure the website through the admin dashboard.
  • A major step could be by using the SSL encryption which will authenticate your website and safeguard your data.
  • Give the admin and password rights to few and only the trusted ones.
  • Keep changing the password to keep your websites safer.
  • You can also safeguard the websites through the database.
  • Backup your website regularly to keep them safe.
  • With a strong password for your WordPress user also keep a strong password for your SQL database.
  • Keep an eye on the audit logs.

WordPress is an easy tool for beginners but you must avoid common WordPress Security Issues. It offers a wide array of options and helps you in better promotions of your interests. But it also has its disadvantages and shortcomings. One should use it after looking thoroughly through every feature.