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8 Different Ways To Use Rss Feed For Your WordPress Website

8 Different Ways to Use WordPress RSS Feed for Your Website

Want to learn more about WordPress RSS feed?

In simple words, RSS is a combination of XML files that are used by websites to describe news feeds, announcements of new articles, changes in blogs, etc. While optimizing websites, webmasters pay great attention to the content of the pages, navigation, text, and headings.

WordPress RSS Feed

All these are necessary for SEO because they accelerating the indexing of the site and increase its ranking on the web. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. It helps you to get more traffic and business opportunities.

When you develop your website and make it live, don’t expect that visitors will access your website only through search engines or social media channels. Visitors use different sources to browse your website. RSS feeds are one of them. There are many ways to use RSS feed for your WordPress Website. Some of them are detailed here below:

For Search Engines & Services – WordPress RSS Feed

In Google & other search engines, there are different services that make use of RSS feeds. For example- Google Blogger. If you also want to use RSS feeds for search engines and services, just place the following line in the site’s html code-

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS stellen" href="" />

You need to replace the feed address in the href attribute. It will enable visitors to see and use the RSS feed icon in the address bar of the browser they use to access your website.

News services – WordPress RSS Feed

Do you want to see your site’s content listed in Google’s news section? If yes, then you can easily do this with the help of RSS feeds. It helps you to export your important web materials to Google, get more clicks back to your website and obtain more chances of business opportunities. If the content of your website gets listed in Google’s news section, its ranking is increased up to a great extent with all important keywords. If you want to place your site’s content on Google News, take the following action:

  • Read the Google guidelines in this regard,
  • Sort out at least 10 contents that you think suitable to be listed in Google News,
  • Your news should be unique and fresh,
  • If your site already has an RSS feed, – select a separate channel for Google news that is different from the existing RSS.
  • Regularly publish fresh news content at least 2-3 times in a week,
  • Your news headline should be attractive,
  • Exclude news content which is older than 8 days as Google bots will not process them,
  • Add Google: full-text>tag with your content,
  • Delete information from the content that does not relate directly to the news subject,

Now, send your news content to Google. If everything is found to be ok, Google will accept your request and show it in its news section.

RSS- Catalogs – WordPress RSS Feed

RSS- Catalogs are one of the most effective tools to promote your website on the web, get external links, and additional traffic totally free of cost. If used carefully RSS-Catalogs help you to increase your site’s traffic by 5%. For this, have your RSS feed in and register your site on RSS directories. After successful registration, your RSS feed will be in this the domain name. Add the following in the RSS feed.

  • Website Name,
  • Website Address,
  • The Address of the RSS feed,
  • Main keywords,
  • A small description of your website.

Launch your RSS catalogs to allow visitors to get your site’s content via the RSS feed.

RSS Feeds for Social Media subscribers – WordPress RSS Feed

For this, you need to use the FeedBurner service. Open the tab “Publish” and connect it with the function ” Socialize ” Add social media accounts for on which you want to provide RSS feeds. As per your needs, specify formatting options and ways to select announcements from your RSS feed. Now, your RSS feed for social networks is ready. Send them to your social media fans and follows and get more traffic back to your website. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance offered by WordPress Website development company in this regard.

RSS feeds for Cross-hosting Blogging platforms – WordPress RSS Feed

All individuals must keep in mind that a good number of blog platforms allow you to import RSS feeds for your users. You can use this feature to bring visitors back to your WordPress website from other blogging platforms, such as LiveJournal, Google Blogger, etc.

RSS feeds For Email Subscribers – WordPress RSS Feed

In simple terms, RSS subscription allows individuals to receive new information from your favorite sites, blogs, magazines, etc, easily and quickly without visiting those websites. The proper use of RSS fees in Email marketing gives you more control over the subscriber base.

Depending on specific situations, you can collect more or less information about all those visitors who decided to receive your content on a regular basis, displayed interest in your offerings and purchased premium products. You can put all this information into your CRM-systems, supplement/replenish them with existing client databases to determine the overall strategy of customer relationship management.

For Reviews and Rating services – WordPress RSS Feed

Positive reviews and ratings given on your website help it to climb up in the search results of Google and other small search engines. You can add your RSS feeds to reviews and rating websites with links (that help visitors to browse your website) and gain some extra visitors for the generation of leads and sales.

RSS feeds as PR Control Tool – WordPress RSS Feed

Companies with limited resources often face the acute shortage of content for different activities, such as mass media events, Individual contacts, events for the press, presentations, seminars, Exhibitions, sponsorship event, corporate meetings, corporate periodicals. If you are going through the same problem, well designed RSS feeds as PR control tool, convey your main message to the targeted audience and make more business deals easily and quickly.

Final Words – WordPress RSS Feed

RSS technology appeared in 2005. With its careful use, you can get more visitors from different resources, increase the ranking of your website and make the online business venture more profitable.

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