It is a fact that visitors to a site want to browse fast and not have to experience long wait times for the page to load. In most cases plugins are the cause of slow load times. So we wanted to give you the top 10 WordPress plugins to stay away from. This post is in no means a plan to tarnish these plugins or those that developed them. We are simply stating that when they are active on your site, they can cause speed performance issues.

Here at WP Fix It, we have a unique Speed Optimization Service here and complete about 100 of them per week. We have come up with the list of WordPress plugins to stay away from based on our extensive experience on speeding sites up and finding plugins that work against that goal.

1. Contact Form 7

10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

This plugin is one of the most popular FREE contact form plugins available but also is the only plugin that by default installs and runs all of its scripts and style sheets on every page of your site. This means that even if a page inside of a site does not have a contact form on it, the plugins still runs all of its assets.  This can be changed with some code but not easy to do for the average WordPress user and should be there by default in the plugin or a simple setting to turn on.

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2. S2 Member

10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

This is a membership plugin and just as a whole, membership plugins have a lot of code because they have a lot of functionality. There are many options out there and S2 Member has been around for awhile and widely used.  It is however slow out of the gate and can bog down your page load times drastically.

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10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

WPML makes it easy to build multilingual sites and run them provided the site content in different languages. Now the base plugin itself is not too bad but there are tons of extensions you can add onto the base plugin which can really slow things down on your site.

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4. Revolution Slider

10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

So we would actual love to put every slider plugin out there on this list of 10 WordPress plugins to stay away from. But of course that would be more than 10…;) Slider plugins are just another name for BLOATED CODE. Yes they are cool and a great way to display your content but with this coolness comes speed issues.

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5. SumoMe

10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

Social Media and Marketing experts always say that it is all about building your list right? Yes this is important and for some businesses critical in their success. There are many pop up and content interruption plugins that will display an opt-in form to allow site visitors to enter their email and subscribe to a list. SumoMe is a very popular one and works extremely well. Only draw back is the speed sucking it does.

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6. Yet Another Related Post Plugin

10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

Increasing the amount of interaction and pages a visitor spends time on is a good thing right? Well this plugin will do just that by suggesting related posts for the visitor to visit and doing it in a clean and clever way. But “yet” again this plugin will cause speed performance issues that you really want to stay away from and find an alternative plugin that is zippy.

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7. Essential Grid

10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

This an elite premium plugin for displaying content very creatively throughout a site. It is extremely robust with options and can make all your grid content dreams come true. The default settings do not include options that will help speed up its code so you have to take action to make sure it runs speedy. See how at the link below. If you are using this plugin and do not follow these steps it will surely affect the performance of your site and how fast it loads.

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8. Disqus Comment System

10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

The Disqus for WordPress plugin lets site owners and developers easily add Disqus to their sites, replacing the default WordPress comment system. Disqus installs in minutes and imports your existing comments so you don’t lose any. While we like the way this plugin looks and works, it is not worth the massive speed sucking it does to a site.  There is however a way to add conditional loading to the plugin to speed it up but this has an adverse effect on SEO.

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10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

This plugin will monitor your blog looking for broken links and let you know if any are found. Once installed, the plugin will begin parsing your posts and other content looking for links. Depending on the size of your site this can take anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour or more. When parsing is complete, the plugin will start checking each link to see if it works. This process is very server heavy and can really slows things down.

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10. VaultPress

10 WordPress Plugins To Stay Away From That Slow Your Site Down Big Time!

OK this plugin is a bit tricky to explain why it is on the list. This plugin is a real-time backup and security scanning service designed and built by Automattic, the same company that operates (and backs up!) sites on VaultPress is now powered by Jetpack meaning that you must have Jetpack installed and active on your site in order to use it. Doing this adds another plugin to the active list on the site and means more script and style sheets loaded throughout your site.

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Share below any others you find to be SPEED SUCKERS!