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7 Tools That Will Make Your WordPress Event Planning Business Thrive

Need some WordPress event planning tools?

With a profit margin as much as 40%, the event planning industry is considered one of the most lucrative around. For that reason, it’s important for business owners to set their business apart in order to get noticed by customers. Considering that many customers search for event planners online, it only makes sense to have a website that ranks well.

WordPress Event Planning

Here we discuss WordPress tools that make life simpler for event planning companies.

1. Tailored Themes For A Professional Finish – WordPress Event Planning

The demands of the event planning industry require that their WordPress sites be tailored to their unique needs. It’s not necessary for event planners to approach designers for a bespoke theme, as WordPress has a number of themes perfectly suited.

Many themes already incorporate handy tools such as web forms and registration apps in order for the events to be tabled. This is handy as the website owners will already have a large portion of the client’s information before making first contact with them, allowing the event planner to be prepared.These themes already integrate the required tabs such as location, a gallery section of previous events, and other important items that should be on every event planning site.

2. Bespoke Themes Are Possible – WordPress Event Planning

Although themes are fuss-free, event planners who want to step out and do something a little more edgy or unique can approach a WordPress web designer to tailor a theme for them. There is an editing area that allows web designers to add their own code in order for all the personal touches to come through.

This is especially good news for event planners that fall into niche markets and can’t afford a one-fits-all approach. Furthermore, plugins can be added in separately which gives a little more flexibility in terms of what is needed.

3. Unique Plugins To Make Life Simpler – WordPress Event Planning

Not all event planning businesses are the same and for this reason, neither should their plugins be. Plugins provide users with access to fully customizable options that allow them to tailor it to their events. This includes ticketing and attendee programs, event calendars, and more. 

Plugins also integrate with other plugins and software to provide the full package such as automated emails and payment gateways. Event planners can choose just how sophisticated they want their plugins to be, as many offer an upgraded version at a cost. Whether the upgrades are worth the price will depend on what is required. As too many plugins or plugins that aren’t well-maintained can cause the site to slow down, it’s best to choose only add value to the business.

4. Mobile Activation Is More Important Than You Think – WordPress Event Planning

All the pretty photos won’t matter much if organic traffic is needed, as the site still needs to rank. This means making the most of what Google is up to nowadays and ensuring that the site is user-friendly and provides value. For an event planner, this means taking care of those things that matter to Google most especially in 2018, such as mobile ranking.

With a WordPress site, users are almost guaranteed to be able to provide this as the themes are all designed to work across all platforms. Because mobile internet access is slowly overtaking desktop, it’s not only essential in terms of satisfying the Google numbers but also to attract and retain customers. For an event planner, their phones are their lives and not having a mobile-friendly website is just unthinkable.

5. WordPress Keyword Management For Great Ranking – WordPress Event Planning

The best theme and plugins in the world mean very little when the site can’t be found on searches. By using a keyword management system, users can source the ideal keywords for their event planning business to rank well. WordPress users can combine this with SEO tools and plugins such as Yoast to ensure they remain on track.

Although ranking can take a few months, when it does the initial investment will pay off.

6. Don’t Compromise On Hosting – WordPress Event Planning

It’s no longer news that website owners only have a few seconds in which to dazzle their customers. For event planners, part of the package is speed and efficiency and if the website is slow, customers might view this is a reflection of what they can expect.

Event planners especially run the risk of a slow site as there could be a lot of add-ons, such as a calendar, ticketing software, a photo gallery, video, and more. The host is at the center of setting up and maintaining a fast and efficient website. It’s also important to know the restrictions of the various packages so that an influx of site visitors don’t block the hosting.

7. Web forms Need Added Security – WordPress Event Planning

Security on WordPress sites is pretty tough and with added protection from some of the top plugins, the sites enjoy a high level of protection. Those who require their customers to complete web forms directly on the site may want to add in an extra layer of protection to ensure client information remains secure.

Whether it’s additional encryption on the back end or security features the require the participation of the visitor, such as Captcha, top security is vital to a successful event planning site.

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