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👋 Hi... I am Jarrett

I own WP Fix It and I wanted to let you know that we have agents standing by to fix this exact issue on your site.

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Temporary Unavailable

FIXED – SiteGround Resource Temporary Unavailable Issue

Need to fix this SiteGround Resource Temporary Unavailable?

Is your WordPress website hosted with SiteGround and you have received the “SiteGround Resource Temporary Unavailable” email from them? This can be a really frustrating notification because it means your website is now offline and you need to take action to fix it. Below is a portion of the email notification you may receive from SiteGround.

SiteGround Resource Temporary Unavailable

“With this notification we would like to inform you that your account example.com consumes a very high percentage of the server resources (processor time and memory) and thus affects the performance of the whole shared server. In order to keep the server at normal load, we had to limit the shared server resources your account can use.

Please note that this may result in occasional “Resource temporary unavailable” error messages shown on your website.”

Another notification you may have received pertaining to the “SiteGround Resource Temporary Unavailable” issue can be in form of  your account exceeding the monthly allowed number of CPU seconds per account.  This notification may look like the image below.

Now let us talk about some things you can do to fix this issue and get your site turned back on as fast as possible. In a nut shell we want to find out what is causing the CPU Overages and then take some action to correct it.

Follow the actual items below in the order they appear.

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