Do you have HTTP error when uploading images in WordPress?
WordPress is by far the largest and most popular content management system in the world because it comes with a wide range of valuable tools and features. The platform powers over 30% of the entire Internet, so any mistake or error represents a pretty big deal for WordPress-based websites.
One of the most annoying things that can happen to your site is to notice HTTP error when uploading images. First of all, people love visual content because they process images much faster than plain text, which means the problem ruins user experience. Secondly, it makes your website look awful.
But there are many ways to deal with this issue and we prepared for you eight tips on how to fix HTTP error when uploading images in WordPress.
Simple Hacks to Stop Image Uploading Issues
HTTP errors may occur whenever you try uploading a media file. This is the way WordPress signals you that there is something wrong with the uploading procedure. But there are ways to overcome this obstacle, so let’s see eight practical solutions.
Check if the error really exists – HTTP Error When Uploading Images in WordPress
The first tip on our list is to wait for a few minutes and then check whether HTTP error really exists or not. Once you detect it for the first time, let the system rest for a while before trying to upload a photo once again. In case the problem is gone, it means that the error was only temporary. This is the easiest solution because the problem wasn’t even there in the first place.
Switch browsers – HTTP Error When Uploading Images in WordPress
If you are still reading our post, it means HTTP error is definitely not temporary. In that case, the second easiest option is to switch between browsers. Sometimes the issue is not at all website-related, which means you need to look for a different cause. The answer usually comes in the form of a browser because Google Chrome can often disable image uploading. It’s easy to fix this error – you just need to shift from Google Chrome to Firefox or Internet Explorer.
Deactivate plugins – HTTP Error When Uploading Images in WordPress
Website administrators at Edu Birdie review often praise WordPress for the sheer number of plugins available. With over 50 thousand tools, you can upgrade the whole system quite easily. However, HTTP error could happen right after you’ve installed a plugin, particularly if it’s an image optimization tool.
You can disable a targeted plugin and try uploading the same photo once again. You will know that the plugin is to blame if the image has been uploaded successfully the second time. The only thing left is to deactivate the plugin and find a new and functional one to replace it.
Increase the memory limit – HTTP Error When Uploading Images in WordPress
A lot of WordPress issues can appear when you reach the memory limit. Fortunately, this problem is also very easy to solve because you only have to write a short line of code and add it to the wp-config.php file. The code line is:
define ('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
This single line of code boosts memory capacity to 256MB. Using this hack, you won’t only prevent photo-related HTTP errors but also solve many other WordPress bugs along the way.
Change image editor – HTTP Error When Uploading Images in WordPress
WordPress uses two image editors interchangeably: Imagick and GD Library. While the latter is completely reliable 100% of the time, the former is known for its tendency to drain memory and cause HTTP errors. The solution is to turn GD Library into a default editor, but it takes a few extra lines of code in the functions.php file:
function wpb_image_editor_default_to_gd( $editors ) {
$gd_editor = 'WP_Image_Editor_GD';
$editors = array_diff( $editors, array( $gd_editor ) );
array_unshift( $editors, $gd_editor );
return $editors;
add_filter( 'wp_image_editors', 'wpb_image_editor_default_to_gd' );
Use the .htaccess model – HTTP Error When Uploading Images in WordPress
If you still stick to Imagick as the primary image editing platform, you may use another trick to prevent HTTP errors. We already mentioned that Imagick burdened WordPress with its super-fast image processing, but you can make it less harmful by writing this code in the .htaccess file:
Check your theme – HTTP Error When Uploading Images in WordPress
Just like a plugin, a WordPress theme can also cause HTTP error when uploading images. And the discovery process is pretty much the same – an error occurs upon installing a new theme. Jason Walberg, a WordPress analyst at custom essay writing, suggests backing up the website and then going back to the default theme: “If this theme functions well and allows flawless image uploads, then you should stick to it or find another custom theme that doesn’t jeopardize website functionality.”
Upgrade PHP version – HTTP Error When Uploading Images in WordPress
It takes a relatively new PHP version to operate a WordPress website smoothly. If your host is using an older version, chances are you’ll end up discovering HTTP error. If your host cannot upgrade PHP version, you should simply change your provider and choose a more advanced host.
Conclusion – HTTP Error When Uploading Images in WordPress
WordPress is an extremely powerful and versatile content management system, but it also makes the platform error-prone. A lot of problems may occur when processing visual content, so we showed you how to fix HTTP error when uploading images in WordPress. No one can eliminate mistakes completely, but you can react promptly and solve the problem with one of these simple hacks.
Thanks for sharing this useful post. I tried it and hopefully worked for me.
Thank You .
Our pleasure!
Ohhh that’s what it was! I didn’t increase the memory limit! Gosh, what a stupid mistake. I was trying to solve this issue for like a month now I guess. Tried almost every forum and even guys from stackoverflow couldn’t help. Don’t know how to thank you enough, because that problem couldn’t let me live quietly. Cheers, Justin!
Thanks. In the future we can fix this for you.