New Website and Better Google Page Experience

Google Page Experience is so important to your online success…

When we first opened our doors back in 2009 and started servicing WordPress issues for customers all over the world, the internet was a much different place. Design standards War more basic and the demands needed to service support request we’re not as high as they are today in 2021. Our owner Jarrett Gucci does a good job of staying in line and sometimes ahead of the trends for online success.

This past year(2020) has been very challenging for many online business owners because of the pandemic. Now with so you first quarter of 2021 behind us things are looking up and the online business world is starting to bloom again.

With that said there has been a major shift of focus in the realm of relevant and placed well in search engine rankings. This major shift that were speaking of is something that Google calls “Page Experience“.

What is page experience? Google has a detailed developer document on the page experience criteria but in short, these metrics aim to understand how a user will perceive the experience of a specific web page: considerations such as whether the page loads quickly, if it’s mobile-friendly, runs on HTTPS, the presence of intrusive ads and if content jumps around as the page loads.

Page experience is made up of several existing Google search ranking factors, including the mobile-friendly update, Page Speed Update, the HTTPS ranking boost, the intrusive interstitials penalty, safe browsing penalty, while refining metrics around speed and usability. These refinements are under what Google calls Core Web Vitals.


So we decided no better time than the present to re-design our website to get in line with some of these new Google algorithm focused strategies. Also while we were at it we decided to refresh some of the branding by changing our logo and full color scheme.

Proof is in the pudding

Below is a benchmark test from Google Page Insights which uses Lighthouse technology to measure core web vitals and return test results that Google deems to be either a poor or great visitor experience. As you can see by this report, we surely met the mark with Google and hope you feel the same way when traveling our site.

Google Page Experience

We’re really excited to launch this new design, as it’s geared to make the customer’s experience less frustrating and improve the overall user experience. Achieving this will help more people get their WordPress website fixed as fast as possible. See the different designs we have had over the years below.


WordPress Support Made Easier – New Design


WordPress Support Made Easier – New Design


WordPress Support Made Easier – New Design


WordPress Support Made Easier – New Design


WP FIX IT 2020


2021 Design

Let us know what you think about the new design in the comments section below.

6 Comments On “New Website and Better Google Page Experience”

  1. May I know will your team guarantee score improves to green zone 90 to 100 (using google pagespeed insight) if using your speed optimization service?

    • Thank you for your question. Google Page Experience and their Core Web Vitals is made up of the 6 things below. Not all 6 of these have to do with actual speed. Some of them are design and content layout related. Our speed optimization service is speed focused only and will address some of the 6 metrics(the ones that are sped related) below but not the design or content layout items. If you need more clarification on this feel free to reach out at [email protected]

      1. First Contentful Paint
      2. Speed Index
      3. Largest Contentful Paint
      4. Time to Interactive
      5. Total Blocking Time
      6. Cumulative Layout Shift

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