
10 Sure Fire Ways to Get More WordPress Traffic

Do you need to get more WordPress traffic to your website?

It is time to Get More WordPress Traffic. Every blogger wants to increase their website traffic by adopting different strategies. Below you have found simple and most effective ways through which you can increase traffic in your WordPress blog.  

1. Take advantage of Social Media – Get More WordPress Traffic

Utilizing social media for your WordPress blog is much effective to drive the traffic on your blog. Implement social sharing in your blog is an effective tip as well as it helps your followers to keep updated about your post.

While designing WordPress website you can use autos haring tool option that helps you to easily share your content or post to various social media platforms. WordPress provide different plugins with the help of these plugins you can install social media sharing buttons. The common trendy plugin is ShareThis and other are Flare, Shareaholic, Pin it Button.

2. Add a newsletter signup form – Get More WordPress Traffic

Integrating newsletter with your blog is an amazing tip to bring more traffic to your website. This will also repeat visitors to your website. With the help of e-newsletter your business help to maintain the strong relationship with your customers through updated them by a newsletter. With the help of this you can also understand your target audience.

3. Post Quality Content Regularly – Get More WordPress Traffic

You love fresh content, don’t you? It’s the same as what your visitors want. Give them a reason to come back! Update your site regularly with new, unique and useful content that will interest them. Don’t forget to make your content interesting by:

Reader or visitors always love fresh and unique content all the time. This is one of the most effective tips to adopt if you want to increase traffic on your WordPress blog. Posting quality content help you to give your visitor a reason to visit again and subscribe to your website. So it is important to update your website with the unique, creative, interesting and quality content according to your target audience. You can make your content interesting through utilizing visual aids and make sure that your blog easy to read so for that using proper white space.

4. Optimize your content for search engines – Get More WordPress Traffic

One of the best way to increase website traffic is to write your blog according to the search engine preference or algorithm and for that utilizing search engine optimization is an effective technique. Search engine focuses on unique content in targeted SEO related keywords, having the link on content. For a WordPress blog, you need to optimized search engine effectively. you can optimize your content through properly writing title and meta description, increase your Google visibility through Google Authorship tool, caret a list of the related post at the end 0of the blog, adding internal links, add proper permalinks, utilizing anchor text, use heading tags and so on.

5. Use Breadcrumbs – Get More WordPress Traffic

Breadcrumbs trail is links that are mainly found at the top of your WordPress website. This will allow the visitor to show your present location as well as help user to track your previous pages. It is also discovered that Google now considering breadcrumbs trail in their search engine algorithm. When you implementing this in your WordPress blog make it easier for a search engine to identify your blog easily while searching.

6. Use Keywords Effectively – Get More WordPress Traffic

For a WordPress blog, it is also very significant to optimize your blog according to the related keywords. Relevant keywords help your blog to rank high in the search engine. To identify relevant keywords you can utilize some tools as well as you think like a searcher. Make sure to add relevant keywords in the title of the blog because search engine first searches the result through the title of the blog or post, secondly, using relevant keywords in the blog as well but avoid keywords stuffing. You can also use different tools such as Google search, keyword planner or word track to produce relevant keywords related to the title of your blog.

7. Get social. Make friends online! – Get More WordPress Traffic

Use the power of social media and forums to spread the word. Get out there, and engage in authentic communication with people who share the same interests as you. Use LinkedIn, Facebook Groups, Google+ and any other active forums to make friends.

Introduce yourself and let people know about your expertise. You can do that by being active, contributing value, helping people fix their problems, etc. When participating, make sure that you adhere to the site’s rules and regulation regarding the sharing of content.

Don’t forget to drop by their blogs and leave meaningful comments! Apart from generating traffic, social networking can also be used to create new ideas and expand your knowledge.

8. Be a guest blogger – Get More WordPress Traffic

Guest blogging is another way to increase traffic on your WordPress blog. this motivates more readers to visit on your website, you can utilized guest blogging opportunity only with such blogs that are relevant to your blog or post, only one thing to make sure while utilizing guest blog is the site must deliver quality content.  

9. Install Google Analytics – Get More WordPress Traffic

Google analytics is one of the most effective ways to get valuable information regarding your visitors. Google provides an amazing product that is Google Analytics, it is also free so there is no reason why you do not use it. Google Analytics provides different valuable information like the most visiting visitor, where your huge traffic come from, your new and retaining visitors, and which website provide the high traffic.

Your blogger utilizes analytics it is also acknowledged in which areas of internet marketing you need to work more to improve. All these information are very vital that would never be ignored at any cost.  

10. Speed up your site – Get More WordPress Traffic

Visitors do not like to visit on such a website that takes too much time to load. Also, slow websites are unbearable for the search engine as well. So to increase traffic you need to sure that your website must load fast in few seconds.

Otherwise, bounce rate and conversion rate decrease that decreases website traffic. Here are few things that you need to do to speed up your website: like minimize the size of the image, install cache, remove unused plugins, enable gzip or zlib compression and minimize your script.

4 Comments On “10 Sure Fire Ways to Get More WordPress Traffic”

  1. I have installed few plugins on my WordPress site along with Bluehost hosting but unfortunately Google ads on my site getting too much time for loading and sometimes not load properly. Please guide me in short way what should I do to resolve my issue. Please check my issue on post pages and let me know if you can resolve it.

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