Learn how to avoid a WordPress infection…

WordPress Infection

As one of the most popular content management system online, WordPress websites are a common target for all spammers and other suspicious parties and this is the main reason to take vital measures to make your website more secure from various infections.

Security issue is a type of bug that can easily affect the security of WordPress installations on your system. Therefore, security issues related with WordPress infections is a very complex problem.

Now a day’s there are millions of sites who face serious attacks and malware infections from various annoying sods who apparently invest their time in hacking and infecting these sites and due to this if you are terrified then you are absolutely justified because everyone wants to prevent their WordPress getting infected with various issues.

Once your WordPress is hacked or infected, its recovering process can take long time and effort. So to avoid this, harden your WordPress with some best security practices. Moreover, it takes continuous effort to avoid WordPress hacking or infections.

Below described are some ways to avoid WordPress infections which can help you to protect all your hard earned content.

1. Keep Your WordPress Version Updated – WordPress Infection
The first and the most important thing you can do is to update your WordPress to its latest version as its timely updating will help your data protected by getting infected by third parties. On the other hand WordPress team creates different platforms which help you to fix security holes.

You can also follow WordPress feeds to find out more about the latest updates. Further you can also have a look at WordPress development and blog securities as it will surely inform you various updates available with it.

2. Change Your Login/Password Often – WordPress Infection
Another important thing you can do to avoid infections in your WordPress is always change your password. The default login which WordPress usually provides is admin and most hackers know that. So you should change this to something else that would be difficult for anyone to guess.

The best way is to delete the default admin and create a new one which includes different upper and lower keys, symbols etc.

3. Install Different Security Plugins – WordPress Infection
Installing some security plugins can also helps in avoiding infections from various sources and therefore it’s time to install them as they are easily available for everyone. One of the most commonly used security plugin is WordFence which is a light security scanner by website defender.

Just install this and follow its instructions thoroughly. In this dynamic plugin there is a setting which also allows you to rename your database table prefix and you can change it to something which is hard to guess among other secure features.

4. Prevent Your WordPress Hack by Blocking Search Engine Spiders and by using .htaccess Hacks – WordPress Infection
Your admin section contains all your sensitive information about your WordPress and blogs and search engine spiders therefore move over your entire blog and every content unless and until they are told not to do so.

Therefore, the easiest way to prevent the crawlers from indexing is to create a robots.txt file in your root directory.
You can also create .htaccess link which is a default name of directory level configuration files that allow for all decentralized management of configuration whenever placed inside the web tree. These types of files are often used to specify various security restrictions for the particular directory.

5. Always Protect Your WordPress Admin Files – WordPress Infection
Various admin files of your WordPress should be only accessed by you and your known bloggers. For restricted usage you can also use .htaccess and allow only specific IP addresses to use this directory.  But if you have a particular IP address and you always try to blog from your computer, then this can be a good for you.

On the other hand if you run a multiple user blog then you can allow access from a range of IPs to trusted users only.  Therefore, prevention is always better than cure. By using these methods or tips you can easily avoid your WordPress getting infected by various infections. By implementing these tips the chances of getting attacked will be very less.  See some of these .htaccess security rules.

Conclusion – WordPress Infection

So after reading this post, you will definitely get to know how to prevent WordPress hack and infections to some great extent. It totally depends on your need that which method suits you best by which you can easily prevent your WordPress getting infected from various suspicious sources.

You can easily implement everything that is mentioned above in this post. Therefore, these tips will surely be an ultimate guide for your WordPress malware prevention and it will also keep you updated with latest and unique stuff. So, now you can easily go and protect your blog and WordPress before someone decides to infect it with worms.